September 9-27
September 9-27
September 9-27
September 9-27
September 9-27
September 9-27
September 9-27
September 9-27
September 9-27
September 9-27
The best of both worlds! Elevated Charter School brings a virtual classroom into your home or wherever your student needs to learn. Elevated learning includes real-time, virtual classes where students collaborate with teachers and peers, participate in guided hands-on activities, and play games to reinforce skills & concepts.
Elevated Charter School provides every student with a new Chromebook, with a 5G internet chip, and we pay for the internet on that device for the school year. Elevated ships everything your child needs to you, including laptop, books, curriculum, and materials for hands-on projects.
We believe parents are the first architects of their children's education. Our Elevated teachers work closely with your family to create a personalized learning plan that meets the needs of your students and your family as a whole. Every family is different, and we are here to provide just the right support for you!
The true purpose of education is not the memorization of facts, but the ability to think and problem-solve. Elevated teachers empower students by teaching them HOW to learn. Students gain strategies that can be applied across subject areas, throughout all levels of education, and into careers and life.
We believe students should be able to follow their interests and dreams without sacrificing quality education. Choose from Elevated live online classes, offline curriculum, or outside (3rd-party) classes. Our curriculum & classes are designed to work well at home and on the go.
We are committed to bringing an amazing virtual school experience to students in every corner of Utah. Every student receives a laptop with dedicated internet access and guardian software to enable safe access to great learning. Elevated teachers integrate digital safety & literacy into all classes, so your kids are prepared to use digital tools while protecting their identity and personal safety.